India gets ready for 4G Reliance Jio is expected to be a major player of this field with an investment amounting to Rs.70,000 crore. The company has tied up with several telecom services and have set up their own infrastructure for rolling up the new services in the best way. Bharti Airtel is all set to give a tough competition to Reliance and have already gained popularity among users with their new 4G services. Aircel, Augere, Tikona Digital and Videocon Telecom are also expected to become strong contender of this competition. Complete switch-over to 4G expected in 2016 Though the 4G market is gradually expanding in the country, it might not be possible to get complete switch-over to 4G soon, as several operators are yet to announce their plans. Uninor, Idea Cellular, Vodafone India though have 4G plans in store have not specified any roll out date. MTS too is on the way of developing 4G services. Therefore, users may have to wait till 2016 to get a complete shift to 4G services and enjoy internet at a lightening speed.

How Soon You Can Switch To 4G  - 68How Soon You Can Switch To 4G  - 91How Soon You Can Switch To 4G  - 55How Soon You Can Switch To 4G  - 77